Monday, October 17, 2011

(TSO-63) Deconstructing Lucifer: Interview with David W. Lowe

Have you ever wondered where the story of the fall of Lucifer originated? Was Satan really once a beautiful heavenly angel named Lucifer? Did God cast Lucifer out of heaven because he was filled with pride? Did Satan lead an ancient rebellion of one third of the angels against God?

David W. Lowe's new book, DECONSTRUCTING LUCIFER, delves deep into the history of the story of Lucifer to answer these and many other questions about Satan and his origins. Investigate the earliest sources in order to determine who was responsible for the story of Lucifer and its ultimate adoption as a mainstream teaching. Hebrew, Greek, and Latin word studies will serve to illuminate the relevant passages of scripture for you, uncovering their proper meaning.

Listen in and find out why Satan's name is not Lucifer. Shockingly enough, if the New Testament were written in Latin, you'd be reading in Revelation 22:16 how Christ likens Himself to "Lucifer".

It's not what you think. This is not about some new heresy, but about the truth behind the word "Lucifer" and the intent of the passages in Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28 and many others. The implications of this one simple truth have far-reaching effects that none of us may truly realize.

This is one podcast that you do not want to miss!

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TruthStream Oasis PodCast- Monday, 10-17-2011